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Tool Links - page 3 of 5

Institute of Development Studies (IDS), a research and teaching organisation, based in England.

URL : http://www.ids.ac.uk > Research

Description of tools-oriented content : The IDS Research section is divided into six units: governance; globalisation; poverty and social policy; health and social change; participation; and environment. In Globalisation> Teaching> Teaching tools can be found a role-play about getting people to think about ethics and government and corporate social responsibility, entitled Which devil should we trust?. In Participation> Links, can be found a list of Practical Manuals (from the World Bank, Interamerican Development Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development, and UNDP), other participation websites and other organisations, networks and participatory projects. But most information on this website is research, rather than tools, oriented.

Type of tools : Recipe

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable documents.

Integrated Approaches to Participatory Development (IAPAD), a gateway to community mapping, public participation GIS (PPGIS) and participatory 3-dimensional mapping (P3DM).

URL : http://www.iapad.org/

Description of tools-oriented content : There are seven P3MD Applications: collaborative protected area management; self-determination; watershed management; information, communication and education; land use planning; collaborative research; and conflict resolution. In each application, uses of the tool are explained, with case studies or the option to “see the process”. Under the Mapping Toolbox section, the process of P3MD is explained in practical terms and with pictures, and other tools are described, for example, photo mapping, participatory GIS and transect mapping. Under Free Publications is a Manual on 3D Participatory Modelling for NRM.

Type of tools : Descriptions with a few recipes

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable pdf documents, or as saveable webpage (html) documents.

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), based in the USA.

URL : http://www.ifpri.org/ > Training> Training Materials

Description of tools-oriented content : There are 11 Technical Guides. The first is an introduction to issues of food security (FS) and the impact development interventions have on FS, as well as an outline of the ten other Guides: food and nutrition security data on WWW; classification and regression trees (CART); using EPI MAP software; measuring nutritional dimensions of household FS; rapid appraisal methods for FS programmes; choosing outcome indicators for household FS; sampling for M and E; targeting; designing methods for M and E; and designing institutional arrangements to maximise FS. They are aimed at helping development practitioners integrate household FS concerns into projects. Other Training Materials include papers, course materials and reports on: agricultural policy; economics concepts; food and nutrition policy; poverty; proposal writing for policy research; resource and environment policy; and miscellaneous topics. Some publications are also available in French and Spanish.

Type of tools : Descriptions

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable pdf documents.

International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), a rural development organisation whose headquarters is in the Philippines.

URL : http://www.iirr.org > Publications/ Catalog > On-line publications

Description of tools-oriented content : The Sustainable Agriculture Extension Manual includes chapters on credit and marketing, land use, gender, soil fertility, cropping and livestock, each of which is further divided. This manual focuses on difficulties, solutions and case studies from Eastern and Southern Africa. Under Publications> Free Publications is Environment, Agriculture and NRM: basic concepts and ideas for action. An information kit, intended for students, trainers and policy makers. Under Publication and Communication (found on the left hand side of the home page) are publications by theme, including NRM, gender and indigenous knowledge. This website is also available in Spanish.

Type of tools : Recipe

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable documents if in the On-line Publications section, otherwise they must be ordered.

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), whose headquarters are in Canada.

URL : http://www.iisd.org/

Description of tools-oriented content : Capacity Building for Integrated Environmental Assessment and Reporting: training manual is designed for high level technical experts in government agencies, who report to policy makers. It takes the form of a course, facilitated by instructors, and covers: the framework of environmental reporting; assessing the state of the environment; assessing environmental policy; assessing future scenarios. Although there are publications listed under many themes, this website is primarily concerned with research reports, books and papers about global sustainable development issues, rather than tools.

Type of tools : Recipes and descriptions

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable pdf documents.

International Land Coalition, Italy

URL : http://www.landcoalition.org/

Description of tools-oriented content : The website gives approaches to claim and secure land rights - including land literacy, demarcation and mapping, institutional development, lobbying and advocacy, and conflict resolution. All of the approaches are backed up by real experiences. Towards a Common Platform on Access to Land provides a range of practical ways and means to facilitate alliances among sectors, assist governments in establishing land policies and services, strengthen rural people’s organisations and work in partnership with civil-society and international organisations.

Type of tools : Descriptions

Availability of tools : Download and for order

Kabissa , Space for change in Africa

URL : http://www.kabissa.org/ > Time to get online

Description of tools-oriented content : Time to Get Online is written by this West African NGO to help other NGOs and CBOs see the importance of using the Internet as cheaper, faster, more reliable source of information and communication, and how easy it is. It ranges from the basics (how do I find an Internet-connected computer) to advocacy using the Internet. It has practical examples of how to use email, google, other web pages, online discussions and newsletters, as well as making a website and where to get online help.

Type of tools : Recipes

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable pdf document.

Livelihoods Connect , an information site, sponsored by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

URL : http://www.livelihoods.org/index.html > Sustainable Livelihoods Toolbox

Description of tools-oriented content : The Sustainable Livelihoods Toolbox comprises different sections: policy, institutions, processes; programme identification and design; planning new projects; reviewing existing projects; monitoring and evaluation; ways of working; and training support. Each section contains a number of tools, from policy analysis, to gender, and participatory farm analysis. These are practically orientated, and although some of them are documents, tools, checklists and tables can be found in them.

Type of tools : Recipes

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable Word documents from this website, or from linked websites.

** Practical resources

M and E News , a news service focusing on developments in monitoring and evaluation methods relevant to development projects or programmes with social development objectives.

URL : http://www.mande.co.uk/

Description of tools-oriented content : This site contains information on Events, Work in Progress, New Documents, Books Noted and Editorial. Tools can be found through these sections, or through the Search function: try “toolbox” or “guide” or “handbook”. The information is dense and has to be thoroughly searched, but tools are available. The site also contains links to other Monitoring and Evaluation pages.

Type of tools : Recipes and descriptions

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable documents from this website or from linked websites.

The Microfinance Gateway , a web-based information source about the microfinance industry

URL : http://www.microfinancegateway.org/ > Donor Information Resource Centre.

Description of tools-oriented content : The Training Modules are aimed at donor staff and managers who wish to train people in microfinance. There are three areas: credit components; regulation and supervision; and microfinance and Millennium Development Goals. Each of these comes with slides, handouts for participants, and trainers’ notes. There is also a Training Toolkit, but this seems undownloadable. Product costing, a powerful tool to streamline operations is another tool available, on the Microfinance home page. It is a product costing tool and includes software, experience from testers, and training materials.

Type of tools : Recipes and description

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable documents from this website or from the CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) website.

MicroSave-Africa , promoting client-responsive financial services among microfinance institutions. Based in Kenya.

URL : http://www.microsave.org/content/microsave-training-toolkits > Toolkits

Description of tools-oriented content : There are a number of tools, including process mapping; market research; costing and pricing; and designing staff incentive schemes. Although these tools are practical, some involve complex calculations and scenario-building. They are designed for MFI staff and trainers.

Type of tools : Recipe

Availability of tools : Available as downloadable Word documents.

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