This tool draws on experience in Uganda to present ideas on how evidence of the role of forestry in improving people’s livelihoods can be collected and communicated effectively. The methods and tactics described are useful for helping to establish forestry in national poverty reduction strategies.
A summary card of this tool is available to download in four languages in PDF format:
English (44K) | French (44K) | Spanish (49K) | Portuguese (44K)
The complete tool is also available (PDF format):
English (133K, 19pp) | French (147K, 23pp) | Spanish (143K, 21pp) | Portuguese (155K, 22pp)
Please cite this tool as:
Geller, S. and Thornber, K. 2005. Targeting livelihoods evidence. Power tools series. LTS-International, Edinburgh, UK and International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK.
For further information:
- Contact: Scott Geller,