This tool proposes a set of steps that aim to empower communities in local consultations that are intended to identify who has the rights to manage natural resources in an area and how this management should be carried out and monitored. It has been written within the context of the policies regarding land and forestry rights in Mozambique, but the methodology could be applied in other situations where the co-management of natural resources is being encouraged and the poor must compete with other, often stronger, stakeholders to ensure that their rights are recognised.
The tool involves steps that help a community to prepare for the consultation, to develop a common vision and position for the subsequent negotiations, to ensure that any agreements made are clearly captured and can be enforced in the future and to have a role in how any agreements will be monitored.
A summary card of this tool is available to download in four languages in PDF format:
English (42K) | French (44K) | Spanish (43K) | Portuguese (43K)
The complete tool is also available (PDF format):
English (512K, 43pp) | French (529K, 48pp) | Spanish (524K, 44pp) | Portuguese (230K, 46pp)
Please cite this tool as:
Joaquim, E., Norfolk, S. and Macqueen, D. 2005. Avante consulta! Effective consultation. Power tools series. Terra Firma, Maputo, Mozambique and International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK.
A related overview study assesses the many new pieces of legislation that have been developed in Mozambique to govern access to land and forest resources, arguing for clearer and more transparent procedures and processes for concession allocation, community consultation and institutional support:
Johnstone, R., Cau, B. and Norfolk, S. (2004) Forest legislation in Mozambique - compliance and the impacts on forest communities. Terra Firma and IIED, London, UK. View PDF (1395 K).
For further information:
- Contact: Simon Norfolk -